Korea EBS video documentary #1 3:26 to 4:32 TrainingShare Dr. Bonk’s Home

Interviewed/videotaped for three-part television documentary, “Digital Wave” (an International coproduction documentary series about ICT at school and at home-integrated learning and teaching in Korea, Norway, Singapore, India, and USA), Educational Broadcasting System (EBS), Seoul, Korea, to premiere, January 2019. Yeonah Paik, Producer.

Part 1 . Open a school of digital native 3:26 to 4:32
Norway, Singapore, India, other cultures such as Korea, a student with the language 12 the people learning methods and processes.

Original Video: http://home.ebs.co.kr/docuprime/newReleaseView/367?c.page=1&_sso_nl=1&_sso_nl=1