Korea EBS video documentary #2 TrainingShare Dr. Bonk’s Home

Interviewed/videotaped for three-part television documentary, “Digital Wave” (an International coproduction documentary series about ICT at school and at home-integrated learning and teaching in Korea, Norway, Singapore, India, and USA), Educational Broadcasting System (EBS), Seoul, Korea, to premiere, January 2019. Yeonah Paik, Producer.

Part 2. The Future School Will Be Changing
Describes the process of thinking about new learning methods through utilization of digital devices and operation of new curriculum . Participants observe and discuss how students can change their self-confidence , interest , and achievement growth proportional curves . At the site, students challenge and collaborate on new goals .

Original Video: http://home.ebs.co.kr/docuprime/newReleaseView/367?c.page=1&_sso_nl=1&_sso_nl=1