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(For more information, contact Gayle Dow, Indiana University)

The Barron-Welsh Art Scale is a Freudian based assessment in which the examiner is asked to draw images. The images are then scored on scales that contain primary processes such as ego functioning and libidinal drives such as symbolization and substitution. The scales also contains personal style and social attitudes.


Low (left) and High (right) Creativity


A manual is provided to determine scoring on various scales


Although anyone can administer the Barron-Welsh Art Scale, a certain degree of experience with test giving and with primary processes and their relation to creativity is recommended.

To purchase the Barron-Welsh Art Scale, see http://www.mindgarden.com/70-barron-welsh-art-scale
Personality and the Barron-Welsh Art Scale Article: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/m/pubmed/8321595/

Also see

To familiarize yourself with Freudian Primary Processes:

Bergquist, C (2004). A comparative view of creativity theories: psychoanalytic, behavioristic, and humanistic.

IU Crimson