Curt Bonk, Professor, Indiana University

Overview of Four Sample Courses (For syllabi, see:

(Note: I also teach R795 Dissertation Proposal Preparation)


1. P540: Learning and Cognition in Education (i.e., Learning Theories)

I have taught a version of this course for my entire career of 30+ years; sometimes online, sometimes face-to-face, and once using videoconferencing to IUPUI from IUB. The syllabus from the fall of 2015 is typical of the course. The students appreciate the integration of technology to supplement the course using shared online video in YouTube or TED to make a key concept come alive or a theorist better understood. They also are excited about the use of Kahoot! and other technology tools for interactive quizzes. Surprisingly, they have enjoyed my experimentations with flipped learning. Student course evaluations describe the course as: “dynamic, fruitful, interesting, rich, meaningful, and comprehensive.”


2. R546: Instructional Strategies for Thinking, Collaboration, and Motivation

This course has evolved over three decades, from a course on critical and creative thinking, to one that also includes motivation, cooperative and collaborative learning, and technology integration. Student comments in the course evaluations reveal an appreciation of the diverse perspectives that are promoted and extensive interaction in the class when demonstrating various instructional strategies. Part of the diversity stems from the fact that the course attracts visiting scholars and Fulbright teachers from around the world. During the past few semesters, dozens of K-12 educators and professors have sat in the class. It is a community or an event, not a class in the traditional sense of the word (Note: we’ve come close to breaking fire code regulations). We extend the class further through videoconferencing to other IU sites such as IUPUI or IU East. Videoconferencing is also used to bring in experts on problem-based learning, creativity, active classroom environments, etc. Often shared online videos are used to demonstrate and then try out a particular strategy. Note: For the past five years, I have given every student and visiting scholar my book “Adding Some TEC-VARIETY: 100+ Strategies for Motivating and Retaining Learners Online.” It is also free online. Needless to say, student reactions are positive. Student comments on this course include: “authentic, creative, eye-opening, fun, developmental, inspiring, energy, and innovative.” Based on student final products, I can say that the course results have exceeded expectations,


3. R511 Instructional Technology Foundations

This is a recent course assignment. In terms of teaching with technology, students overwhelmingly appreciate bringing in the guest experts via Zoom. For a course which I did not develop and for which there are many holes or gaps in my knowledge, I would have to say it has been a success. The students think I have an “encyclopedia in my brain.” Guess I fooled them. Students successfully create websites, online video tutorials, and online timelines and concept maps with minimal training. Student course evaluations describe this course as “well organized, informative, resourceful, and comprehensive.”


4. R678 Emerging Learning Technologies

The R678 course has also evolved over three decades with different titles and emphases. Mike Reed and I created and team taught when I was in my second year on the faculty at West Virginia University in 1990 (WVU: Ed.P. 391 New Technologies in Education: From a Cognitive Perspective). Students expectations since the beginning have been daunting since they want to hear about the latest technology tools, not research that took 3 or 4 years to come out. As such, it is extremely difficult to keep this course up-to-date. If success is defined by having a 112 page “Monster” syllabus with hundreds of research articles, technical reports, and news stories that are from the past two years, then it had been success. But one can go mentally insane and become quite exhausted trying to keep the syllabus updated. Students comments indicate they like the choices that are offered as well as the fast pace. Many commented that the Zoom sessions with experts where among their favorite part and they appreciated them being recorded. At the same time, the students can be overwhelmed and the Zoom sessions can be too long. Words that students use to describe this course are: “relevant, freedom, challenging, encouraging, engaging, enlightening, resourceful, futuristic, heavy workload, fast-paced,” and perhaps most importantly, “current.” Students recognize the hard work that goes into keeping a course on emerging learning technologies (i.e., OER, MOOCs, flipped learning, etc.) current and they push to consider new trends whether it is AR, VR, AI, or block chain. In the end, I have been primarily successful in incorporating new technology trends and the latest research; however, after my upcoming sabbatical, I plan to stop personally updating the syllabus and have student interests totally drive the course. We’ll see what happens.