Alberta Institute of Technology (NAIT)
Testimonial about Dr. Bonk's blended
learning keynote presentation
it was a pleasure to meet you and to finally here you speak. As I
mentioned, you have saved me a lot of money now that I don’t have to go to a
bunch of conferences to get an update on blended learning. Your talk was not
only highly informative, It was engaging and entertaining as well. Thank
you for traveling during your holiday to be at NAIT with us. I know the
faculty audience was very appreciative of the opportunity to learn from you.”
Joe Saundercook,
Vice-President, Office of Partnerships and Business Development
Ryerson, Whitby, Ontario
These comments were provided by conference attendees via an anonymous evaluation survey:
- Interesting, valuable references and ideas.
- Exceptional keynote - inspiring - tons of practical advice grounded in research! Awesome!
- Outstanding, practical, useable.
- Dynamic with lots of ideas.
- Excellent presentation learned a lot. Modeled good delivery as well.
- Excellent presentation style.
- Excellent!
- An outstanding choice.
- Excellent, dynamic presentations (both of them) with really useful handouts and websites.
- Very dynamic speaker.
- Lots of good ideas here. I like his flexible non dogmatic approach to blended learning. Made me aware of his great website (went to both of his talks).
- Good resources - interesting ideas - engaging style.
- Reinforced existing ideas - lots of new ideas.
- Glad I will be able to see the presentation again on webcast!
- Excellent - engages audience.
- Excellent and motivational!
- Good speaker!
- Excellent presentation - I would come to a conference to see him again.
- Outstanding, practical, usable.
- I was so impressed I went to this second session!
- Wow! Lots of info - went by fast.

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