Best of Bonk Handouts

For more information, contact Dr. Curt Bonk, Indiana University.

Grant Wiggins (1989)

Authentic Assessment (intell equiv of public perform):

  1. Writing essays and reports

  2. Conducting individual research

  3. Conducting group research

  4. Interviews and data collection

  5. Data manipulation, preparation, & graphing

  6. Written recommendations

  7. Designing proposals and mockups

  8. Assembling proposals

  9. Class presentations

  10. Artistic and other performances
    Recitals, sports, plays, debates, science fairs
    Need equiv of diff rating classes for chess tourn.

Evidence of Knowing:

  1. Providing counterexamples (Perkins & Salomon)

  2. Arranging arguments

  3. Arguing critically

  4. Marshalling evidence

  5. Pose problems

  6. Solving ambiguous problems

  7. Explaining and extending knowledge

  8. Good judgment, sound habits, responsiveness

  9. Asking for help and helping others (Paris et al.)
    Ask q's, uses evidence, notes impt diffs

  10. Doing something with grace and style

Copyright 1998, Curtis J. Bonk; The Trustees of Indiana University

to General Teaching & Learning Handout Index