How are educators in different regions around the world implementing massive open online courses and other forms of open educational resources? There is a growing demand to understand these MOOCs and OERs because new forms of formal and informal online learning are becoming more popular.
Current developments in pedagogy and technology and have expanded the opportunities for online teaching and distance learning organizations. Institutions are grappling with issues including University accreditation, credentialing standards, quality control, and innovative assessment techniques. Organizations are struggling to handle issues that include learner motivation, and student attrition. People want to better understand these distance learning initiatives.
To meet this demand, MOOCs and Open Education Around the World explores MOOCs and other open education resources in different regions and nations. This MOOC book also documents the advantages and disadvantages inherent in this age of technology-enabled teaching and e-learning. What are the student-teacher interaction possibilities? What are the different delivery formats that are used in today's massive open online courses? Which business models are proving successful? What are the best assessment schemes for MOOCs? What are the key controversies concerning massive open online courses that should be addressed? This interesting new edited collection explains MOOCs and open education topics.
For more information about this book about massive open online courses please see: MOOC book.