Fall 2007: Syllabus P540 Learning and
Cognition in Education
Section 22395,
Tuesday 7 :00-9 :45 pm, Room 2275
Instructor: Dr.
Instructor: Curtis
J. Bonk, Ph.D., CPA Office:
2238 W. W. Wright Education Bldg. Phone:
856-8353 (W); E-mail: CJBonk@indiana.edu Office Hours:
Thursdays 2:30-3:30 & as arranged Homepage: http://curtbonk.com/
Instructional Assistant: Nari Kim, Instructional Assistant, IST Doctoral
Candidate, narkim@indiana.edu |
In this
course, we will look at several different theoretical perspectives on learning,
cognition, and cognitive development. As we will see, no single theory can
account for all aspects of human learning and cognition. By looking at a
variety of theories, we can identify a range of principles, perspectives, and tools
that may be useful in understanding learning and teaching in a variety of contexts. Keep in mind that this course is essentially
a survey of learning, cognitive, and related theories. While this means that there
is a lot of ground to cover in a relatively short period of time, there are
opportunities for you to delve deeper into personal areas of interest. This semester the main will be the
development of a Wikibook with students in Dr. Mimi Lee’s class at the
Primary Course Goals
1. To become conversant with basic
assumptions, concepts, and principles of each theory.
2. To grasp possible implications
of each theory for different instructional settings.
3. To compare and contrast a range
of theories in a variety of settings and age groups.
4. To create, revise, and begin to use your own personal theory of learning.
5. To reflect on how learning
theories impact on every aspect of your life.
Learning Approach
Dr. Lee and I believe that learning is a social, active, and reflective process. As such, the learning activities will include reading, writing, reflecting, and participating in group assignments. While some of our assignments are designed as individual reflection activities, many other are group activities. In addition, we want you to be engaged in hands-on and authentic learning tasks. Thus, the tasks selected here will allow for your active experimentation with learning theories in everyday life. Please take advantage of the cross-institutional collaborations in this class as you can learn something from your peers at another institution!
Course Books and Resources:
The 3 optional books for this course.
Recommended for teachers and teacher educators: Phillips, D. C., & Soltis, J.
F. (2004). Perspectives on learning,
4th Edition. New Amazon: $15.46; used $9.50; ($14.26 new at Half.com) |
Recommended for IST or Ed Psych majors who must take qualifying exams
in this area: Driscoll, M. (2005). Psychology of Learning for Instruction,
3rd Edition. Note: the following book, it is a fine substitute for Driscoll: Gredler, M. E. (2005). Learning and Instruction: Theory into Practice, 5th Edition. New Amazon: $75.80; used $32.99; ($65.80 at Half.com) |
Optional Text: This book is highly recommended but not required (see course requirements before purchasing this book; you can buy this cheaply on Amazon or Half.com as a used book!). Goldsmith, M., Kaye, B., & New Amazon: $20.48; used $2.79; ($1.25 at Half.com) |
The first two books can be obtained
from the IU (812-855-9628) and TIS Bookstores (1-800-238-1229); the third one
you can purchase very cheaply online such as at Amazon.com.
Existing P540 Resources:
Dr. Joyce Alexander who has kindly placed her P540 lecture
notes and resources on the Web. Modules: http://www.indiana.edu/~p540alex/Summer2003/units.html
Resources: http://www.indiana.edu/~p540alex/Summer2003/resources.html. When in doubt about any theory or theorist in this class, Greg Kearsley’s “Theory Into Practice” (TIP) Database is usually useful, http://tip.psychology.org/ (contains 50 major theories of learning and instruction).
Available Bonk
Videostreams and Podcasts:
I have videostreamed some chapter lectures and talks to the
Web and have also posted several informal podcasts talks. These can be found at http://curtbonk.com/streamed.html
(scroll to bottom of page; these are also linked off my homepage).
Course Activities and Schedule |
Unit |
Activity |
Week 1 Introduction (Aug 24th) |
Read: Phillips & Soltis: Chapter 1: Introduction (or) Driscoll Ch 1 Intro to Theories of Learning and Instruction Cunningham Article: May You Teach in Interesting Times (Oncourse) Review: Dr. Joyce Alexander: Approaches
to the Study of Learning: ttp://www.indiana.edu/~p540alex/Summer2003/unit1.html
Week 2 Behaviorism (Aug 28th) |
Read: Phillips & Soltis: Ch 2 Classical Theories and Ch 3: Behaviorism (or) Driscoll Ch 2: Radical Behaviorism Gredler Chapter on Skinner (Posted to Oncourse) |
Week 3 Social Learning Theory (Sept 4th) |
Read: Driscoll: Ch 9: Self-efficacy beliefs, pages 316-323 (if you have the 3rd edition); pages 310-316 (if you have the 2nd edition) Review: Explore some of the Web links related to Albert Bandura: 1. http://fates.cns.muskingum.edu/~psych/psycweb/history/bandura.htm 2. http://www.emory.edu/EDUCATION/mfp/Bandura/Index.html
3. http://psychclassics.yorku.ca/Bandura/bobo.htm
(Bobo doll experiment) |
Week 4 Cognitive (Sept 11th) |
Read: Driscoll Ch 3: Cognitive Review: How People Learn (2 parts):
Week 5 Motivation and Self-Regulated Learning (Sept 18th) |
Read: Driscoll: Chapter 9 Motivation and Self-Regulated Learning Paul Chance vs. Alfie Kohn debate (posted to Oncourse) Review: Motivation:
http://teaching.berkeley.edu/bgd/motivate.html Due Sept 18th: Wikibook Chapter Critiques and Edits |
Week 6 Meaningful Learning & Schema Theory (Sept 25th) |
Read: Phillips & Soltis: Chapter 8 The Cognitive Science Approach (or) Driscoll: Chapter 4 Meaningful Learning and Schema Theory |
Week 7 Cognitivism and Piaget (Oct 2nd) |
Read: Phillips & Soltis: Ch 5 Piaget Structures & Psych Constructivism (or) Driscoll: Chapter 6 Cognitive and Knowledge Development
(Piaget) Review: http://www.indiana.edu/~intell/
(Dr. Plucker’s intelligence site) |
Week 8 Open Exploration Week (Oct 9th) |
Read: Library Day/Week Due October 9th: Wikibook Topic Selection and
Library Day 1-2 page reviews |
Week 9 Contructivism and Situated Learning (Oct 16th) |
Read: Phillips & Soltis: Ch 6 Social Aspects of Learning (or) Driscoll: Chapter 5 Situation Cognition |
Week 10 Contructivism (Oct 23rd) |
Read: Phillips & Soltis: Ch 7 Cog Structures & Disciplinary Structures (or) Driscoll: Chapter 11 Constructivism |
Week 11 Instructivism (Oct 30th) |
Read: Chapter 10 Gagne’s Theory of Instruction |
Week 12 Instructional Design (Nov 6th) |
Read: Articles assigned from David Merrill on ID (see Oncourse) Review (see page 2 of list): A Task-Centered
Instructional Strategy, David Merrill, Florida State Univ., April 6, 2007 (1 hour 12 minutes) http://mediasite.oddl.fsu.edu/mediasite/Catalog/Front.aspx?cid=faec6088-49ee-4d37-967d-6d09bb49ca25
Due Nov 6th: Drafts of Wikibook chapters |
Week 13 Personal Theory (Nov 13th) |
Read: Phillips & Soltis: Ch 9 Arguments and Issues (or) Driscoll: Ch 12 Toward a Personal Theory of Learning and Instruction Due Nov 13th: Peer Critiques of Wikibook
chapters |
Week 14 Wikibooks (Nov 20th) |
Read: Wikibook Week—read your wikibook! Due Nov 20th: Final Drafts Wikibook
chapters |
Week 15 Wikibooks (Nov 27th) |
Present Wikibook Chapters and Awards Ceremony Due Nov 27th: Final Reflection Papers |
Lateness, Incompletes, Plagiarism, Paper Submission Policies. I am flexible. You can turn in any paper late (you have 1
free cushion day (24 hours) on any paper).
However, on the 2nd day late you will lose 5% and you lose 5
percent for every day beyond that. A
grade of "I" will be given for medical emergencies or extreme unforeseen
emergencies only. All other policies and
regulations (e.g., regarding "academic honesty and plagiarism") as
stated in the Graduate Bulletin apply in this course (this is a required note
in any IU syllabus). You can submit your
papers via email (cjbonk@indiana.edu), fax (812-339-1254), or in person. I always respond to email within 48 hours;
more likely, within an hour or 2 or quicker.
Course Points. There are 300 points in this course, as follows:
Preliminary Work = 60 points (Critique + Peer Feedback + Wikibook edit)
Middle Work = 60 points (Final Topic Selection + Library Day + Peer Feedback)
Ending Work = 140 points (Wikibook chapters + Peer Fdbk + Reflection Papers)
Course Grading: I reserve the right for a quiz or test at some point during the semester which will increase the point total here. I will use 90-80-70-60 scale.
300 pts or more = A+; 280 pts = A; 270 = A-; 260 = B+; 250 = B; 240 = B-;
230 = C+; 220 = C; 210 = C-
Course Requirements and Assessments
I. Class Discussion,
Cool Resources, and Discussion Moderating (40 points).
A1. Cool Resource Provider and Interactive Discussion Moderator (25 Points). We will typically cover a chapter or unit each week. On Tuesdays, I will lectures and on Thursdays, we will have student presentations and discussions. Each Thursday we will have one or more “Cool Resource Providers” and “Interactive Discussion Leader/Moderators.” The Cool Resource Provider will explore the Web resources for the course, for the week, and beyond the course and present them to the class. This might include online psychology tests, simulations, animations, models, videos, or audio clips, etc. as well as paper-based information. A corresponding handout is helpful but not required. The presentation will take 5-6 minutes followed by question and answers from the class. You will likely be a resource finder once during the semester. This person will also be asked to help moderate discussion for the week by introducing and briefly summarizing key points of the chapter. You will also provide 3-6 starter questions and pose 2-3 controversial issues. This is a mastery assignment—you get full credit if done well.
A2. Participation in Discussion (15 Points):
There are 15 points allocated to participating in weekly
discussions. 14-15 for high
participators; 12-13 for medium participators; 10-11 for low participators; and
0-9 for others.
II. Wikibook
Wikibook Online Work (WOW) (260
total points—Due in October and November)
In this class, we will create a Wikibook related to
practical applications of Learning Theories.
Students from the
Dr. Seung-hee Lee, at
Note: Nari Kim will help conduct a research study
related to student Wikibook Online Work (WOW) participation, so please try to
WOW her and everyone else! Participation
in this research (such as interviews, surveys, or focus groups) is optional.
A. Preliminary Work (Due Sept 18th; 60 points:
50 for critiques and 10 for critical friend feedback on critiques): Students
are assigned a critical friend for the class (preferably someone from the other
institution). To get a feel for a Wikibook
on learning theories, students are asked to sign up for one of 32 chapters on
learning theories at Michael Orey’s class at the
In addition, to get a feel for a Wiki, we have students edit
or add to the existing Wikibook on learning theories (http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Learning_Theories)
or learning theorists (http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Learning_Theorists)
from Dr. Dale Fowler at Indiana Wesleyan (do to in class). This is a minimum of a 3 sentence or 50 word
post. You will get a job aid for this
(no points for this assigned—perhaps a couple of bonus points). Students will attach a printout of their
highlighted Wiki edits to hardcopies of critique papers which they turn in to their
instructor. (Critiques and preliminary
Wiki practice edits are due by September 18th).
Critique Grading (50 Total Points or 10 pts each
Critical thinking displayed: sound analysis and evaluation, logical, backs up
Insightful/Original: rich and novel ideas, unique, creative, takes risks with
Coherent and logical flow to the critique or review, unity, well organized,
Complete and thorough review with some depth and elaboration of pts, great
5. Learning displayed: breadth/depth of thought,
knowledge growth, understands theories.
B. Middle Work (60 points)
Topic Selection (20
points): Students then submit to us (and their critical friend) a 1-3
paragraph (1 page
Library Day: Wikibook
Chapter Article Search and Summary (40 points: 30 points for summaries and 10
for presentations)
Here is your chance to explore your own interests. From your perspective, what trends in learning and cognition theory seem to be particularly important today? Perhaps it is forming learning apprenticeships. Maybe you are interested in active learning or constructivistic teachers and schools. Well, in this option, you are to explore the literature on a topic of interest and then you can use in practice. You are to find, filter, and explore articles, conference proceedings, book chapters, professional organization reports, research reports, magazines, etc. on this topic. I want you to spend a day on a physical library or searching the Web online or both and find 15-30 articles related to your area(s) of interest, chapters, or reports and briefly summarize them in a short super summary form which I will provide for you. Please copy at least the first page of the article and bring it to class. In the super summary form, you will note the following: (1) the article citation; (2) topic area, concepts, ideas, etc.; (3) short summary of article; and (4) your article rating. Your library day summaries will be evaluated for: (1) coherence, (2) completeness, effort, and amount of digging, (3) relevancy and timeliness for this class. We will discuss these on October 16th and 18th. Every student will get 99 seconds on October 16th to present the most important things he or she has found (presentations worth 10 automatic points).
C. Ending Work
(140 points: 50 points for chapter; 50 points for reflection on process, 20
points for peer feedback, and 20 points for final presentation): The focus of
The POLT is on implementation, pragmatic use, or realization of a learning
theory in the field. We will use
Wikispaces for the book development (password protected). Students will post their drafts to the
Wikispaces site by November 6th.
They also do a peer review of the chapter draft by their critical friend
by Tuesday November 13th (worth 10 points).
Nari provides critical thinking scaffold for those peer critiques or
chapter review form. She will collect
the feedback. Due at the end are reflection
papers on that whole process which should include your own personal learning
theory (2 pages single spaced
Wikibook Chapter Grading (50 Total Points or 10 pts
each dimension):
1. Chapter relevant and practical—Topic and contribution is meaningful
and relevant to class, we learn from it, practical not just theory, extends
topic and class to practical area
2. Chapter creativity—Original and distinctive ideas, insightful points,
analogies made, unique course connections or interlinkages, story from real
life, or something unique in it such as a figure, model, graph, timeline,
comparison chart, acronym, quote or set of quotes, etc.
3. Chapter coherence—Good flow, well organized, good layout, enjoyable
to read, good practical story
4. Chapter completeness—Sufficient coverage of information, fulfills
spirit of assignment, goes beyond task, inspirational, great effort.
5. Chapter content/learning: breadth and depth of thought, learning
displayed, indicates knowledge growth, understands theories.
Reflection Paper Grading (50 Total Points or 10 pts
each dimension):
Insightful points and original thinking, relationships drawn,
interlinkages, unique
Coherent and logical flow to the critique or review, well organized
Complete and thorough review with some depth and elaboration of points, effort
4. Learning: breadth and depth of
thought, indicates knowledge growth, understands theories.
5. Critical/Reflective: self-awareness, informative, sound analysis,
evaluation, critical thinking
Points: (20 Points or 5 pts for each dimension)
Possible Extra Credit: “Learning Journeys” Reflection Papers.
recommended the book, “Learning journeys:
Top management experts share hard-earned lessons on becoming mentors and
leaders,” for a reason. The book is
filled with 37 stories and lessons in life from some of the world’s best known
management mentors and leaders. You can read
4-5 stories from the “Learning Journeys” book and link aspects of them to different
learning theories in a 2-3 page single-spaced paper. In your paper, please describe the learning
principles, ideas, and guidelines embedded in the stories that you chose. How does the story validate or refute the
theory? How might it be applied in still
other ways? What is missing from the