MOOCs and Open Education New Book (2015) Amazon Routledge Open World
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MOOCs and Open Education Around the World. Routledge 2015.
Edited by Curtis J. Bonk, Mimi M. Lee, Thomas C. Reeves, Thomas H. Reynolds.

Find out more about the edifying new book MOOCs and Open Education

MOOCs and Open Education Around the World is a edited collection which addresses topics pertaining to massively open online courses (MOOCs) and open education resources (OERs). There are quite a few fine new e-learning technologies emerging each year that can be used for training. MOOC classes and similar experiments with open educational resources are allowing millions of self-directed online learners in every nation on earth to learn from well-known scholars. Massive open online courses are customarily free for learners but do not always lead to formal accreditation. This collected edition describes many different types of MOOC options and the full range of business plans related to MOOCs. It can be tricky to inspire and motivate thousands of learners in online environments. The open education resources (OER) movement was the inspiration for the first massive open online courses. How can institutions handle poor student motivation and high learner attrition? This massively open online courses book also analyzes the motivational variables involved in self-directed learning experiences.

Brand new trends in online learning are enabling people all over the world to take part in online courses. Interaction, feedback and online support are the most important things that help students succeed in MOOC courses. This book answers many questions about MOOC courses and other forms of open education resources (OERs). For more info go to this MOOCs Book website.

MOOCs and Open Education Around the World

Book About Open Education

Educational Research

Blended Learning: This is the Blended Learning information web page.

Online Course: This is the Online Course information web page on

Blended Learning: This is the Blended Learning information web page on

Open Education Book: This is the Open Education Book information web page on

Open Education Book: This is the Open Education Book information web page on

Books About Education Reform: This is the Books About Education Reform information web page on

Book About MOOC: This is the Book About MOOC video playlist from the MOOCs and Open Education Resources channel on YouTube.

MOOCs and Open Educational Books: This is the MOOCs and Open Educational Books video.

Instructional Design

MOOCs for Credit: This is the MOOCs for Credit information web page.

Massively Open Online Courses Educational: This is the Massively Open Online Courses Educational information web page on

Massive Open Online Course University: This is the Massive Open Online Course University information web page on

MOOCs Free Online Courses: This is the MOOCs Free Online Courses information web page on

MOOCs and Open Educational Resources: This is the MOOCs and Open Educational Resources video on Vimeo.

Book about MOOCs: This is the Book about MOOCs playlist.

Massively Open Online Course: This is the Massively Open Online Course YouTube video clip.

MOOCs and Open Education Around the World Book Promo: This is the MOOCs and Open Education Around the World Book Promo video on Vimeo.

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