Best of Bonk Handouts-Motivation Research
Motivation Research Highlights (Brophy)
- Supportive, appropriate challenge, meaningful, moderation/optimal.
- Teach goal setting and self-reinforcement.
- Offer rewards for good/improved performance.
- Novelty, variety, choice, adaptable to interests.
- Gamelike, fun, fantasy, curiosity, suspense, active.
- Higher levels, divergence, dissonance, interact with peers.
- Allow to create finished products.
- Provide immediate feedback, advance organizers.
- Show intensity, enthusiasm, interest, minimize anxiety.
- Make content personal, concrete, familiar.
Other Classroom Motivation Tips (Alexander, class notes, Pintrinch & Schunk, 1996; Reeve, 1996; Stipek, 1998):
- Include positive before negative comments.
- Wish students "good effort" not "good luck".
- Give flexibility in assignments and due dates.
- Communicate respect via tasks select and control.
- Design interactive and interesting activities.
- Use coop learning, debates, group discussions.
- Minimize social comparisons and public evaluations.
- Use relevant, authentic learning tasks.
- Use optimal difficulty and novelty.
- Use challenge, curiosity, control, and fantasy.
- Give challenging but achievable tasks.
- Create short term or proximal goals and vary these goals.
- Give students different ways to demo what they know.
- Encourage students to give and get help.
- Attrib failure to low effort or ineffective strategy (Attrib success to effort or competence).
- Give poor performing student the role of expert.