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Task Examples

Jump to Option: A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | Final Project Examples

Option A: Curriculum Brainstorm

EXAMPLE 1: Curriculum brainstorm (.doc) (PDF)

EXAMPLE 2: Curriculum brainstorm (.doc)

EXAMPLE 3: Curriculum brainstorm (table part 1-3) (.doc)

EXAMPLE 4: Reflection and Personal Exploration Activity (.docx)

EXAMPLE 5: Curriculum Brainstorm -Instructional Design (.docx)

EXAMPLE 6: Teaching Strategies Brain storming - For 5th Grade Chinese Class (.docx)

EXAMPLE 7: Curriculum Brainstorm for High School English Class (.docx)

EXAMPLE 8: Curriculum Brainstorm for Instructional Message Design Class (.docx)

EXAMPLE 9: Curriculum Brainstorm - Teaching Elementary School (.docx)

EXAMPLE 10: Curriculum Brainstorm-Part 1-3 in reverse order (.doc)

EXAMPLE 11: Curriculum Brainstorm Part 1-3 with unique figure for part 2 (.doc)

EXAMPLE 12: Curriculum Brainstorm--Part 1-3 in order (.doc)

EXAMPLE 13: Curric Brainstorm--Part 1 and 2 (missing 3) (.doc)

EXAMPLE 14: Critical and creative thinking and motivational and cooperative learning (.doc)

Option B: Thought Paper

EXAMPLE 1: Thought paper on energy and class management with figure (.doc)

EXAMPLE 2: Thought paper on the process of learning with unique figure (.doc)

EXAMPLE 3: Thought paper on educational reform in Turkey (.docx)

EXAMPLE 4: Super thought paper - reflection 3 example (.docx)

EXAMPLE 5: Super thought paper - book review (.docx)

Option C: Super Summary Search

EXAMPLE 1: Super Summary Search (.doc) ( PDF)

EXAMPLE 2: Gender and Cultural Differences in Creativity Testing (.doc)

EXAMPLE 3: Motivation in Education (.doc)

EXAMPLE 4: Critical Thinking in an Online Environment (.doc)

EXAMPLE 5: Creativity in the Workplace Part 1 (.doc)

EXAMPLE 6: Creativity in the Workplace Part 2 (.doc)

EXAMPLE 7: Super Summary Paper (.docx)

EXAMPLE 8: Motivation in E-learning (.docx)

EXAMPLE 9: Super Summary--math and thinking (.doc)

Option D: Program or Strategy Review

EXAMPLE 1: Managing for Performance Workshop Review (.doc)

EXAMPLE 2: Managing for Performance Presentation (.ppt)

EXAMPLE 3: Program or strategy review on reciprocal teaching (.doc)

EXAMPLE 4: Program or strategy review for learners (.doc)

EXAMPLE 5: Program or strategy review-Narrative pedagogy (.doc)

EXAMPLE 6: R2D2 Model for Language Teachers’ Online Professional Development (.docx)

Option E: Expert or Scholar Review




Option F: Test or Instrument Review

EXAMPLE 1: Review of an online motivation test (.docx)



Option G: Book or Special Journal Issue Review

EXAMPLE 1: Philosophy for Children (Stacks, S., 2003) (.doc)

EXAMPLE 2: The Journal of Distance Education. Studying Collaboration in Distributed Problem-based Learning Environments (v.23,1, 2002) (.doc)

EXAMPLE 3: Special journal issue review (.doc)

EXAMPLE 4: Book review - motivating difficult students by McCombs (.doc)

EXAMPLE 5: Book review on Coop Learning by Kagan (.doc)

EXAMPLE 6: BookReview--2 books on concept maps and visual tools (.doc)

EXAMPLE 7: Book Review: The Up Side of Down: Why Failing Well is the Key to Success (.docx)

EXAMPLE 8: Book review for The Element (.docx)

EXAMPLE 9: Book Review of Creativity, Inc. (.docx)

Option H: Research Dig

EXAMPLE 1: Research dig (.doc)



Option I: Job Application Paper

EXAMPLE 1: Teaching What Shouldn't Be Taught (.pdf)

EXAMPLE 2: Testing in Indonesia and Its Impact on Motivation (.docx)


Option J: Case Situations or Problems

EXAMPLE 1: Motivation+ 3Cs in 3 Cases (.docx)

EXAMPLE 2: Case Situations and Resolutions (.docx)

EXAMPLE 3: Case Studies Reflective Paper (.docx)

EXAMPLE 4: Three cases and resolutions (.docx)

EXAMPLE 5: Three cases and resolutions -_Indonesia (.docx)

Option K: BobWeb Web Link Review

EXAMPLE 1: Bobweb link review (.doc)

EXAMPLE 2: Passion and Purpose and Education System - Online Resources Condensed Example (.docx)


Final Project: Creativity Unit

EXAMPLE 1: Final Creativity Unit--Elementary students (.doc)

Final Project: Philosophy Paper

EXAMPLE 1: Education 3.0 Philosophy Paper (.doc)

Final Project: Curriculum Integration Unit Examples

EXAMPLE 1: Comparison Of Cultures - Final Project R546: Curriculum Unit Idea (.doc)

EXAMPLE 2: Activity Centered Training for SharePoint (.pdf)

EXAMPLE 3: Clinical Faculty: A New Practice Role Part 1 (.doc)

EXAMPLE 4: Clinical Faculty: A New Practice Role Part 2 (.doc)

EXAMPLE 5: Workshop and Brainstorm on Web Course Design (.doc)

EXAMPLE 6: Description of Curriculum Idea (.doc)

Final Project: E-tivities Overview

EXAMPLE 1: E-tivities: Reflection, Application, and Handout (.docx)

Final Project: Grant Proposal Examples

EXAMPLE 1: Comprehensive Support Services Prorgram to Ensure Academic Success (.doc)

Final Project: Research Proposal Examples

EXAMPLE 1: Peer Evaluation Research Proposal (.doc)

Final Project: Learning Center Examples

EXAMPLE 1: Final project Learning Center Example (.doc)

EXAMPLE 2: South Korean Immersive Learning Institute Proposal (.doc)

Final Project: Digital Storytelling Examples

EXAMPLE 1: Digital Storytelling in the Language Arts Classroom (.doc)

Final Project: Proposals

EXAMPLE 1: CSLD Center Proposal (.docx)

Final Project: Online Glossary Examples

EXAMPLE 1: Interactive Glossary and Examples (.docx)

EXAMPLE 2: Online Interactive Glossary

IU Crimson