Creativity Test: Overview
(For more information, contact Gayle Dow, Indiana University)

Creativity tests are typically divided into four main components: Divergent thinking, Convergent thinking, Artistic assessments and Self assessments.

Divergent thinking  is the ability to consciously generate new ideas that branch out to many possible solutions for a given problem. These solutions or responses are then scored on four components:

1) Originality - statistical infrequency of response
2) Fluency - number of responses

3) Flexibility - the degree of difference of the responses, in other words do they come from a single domain or multiple


4) Elaboration - the amount of detail of the response

Guilford’s Alternative Uses Task (1967)
Wallas and Kogan (1965)  
Torrance Test of Creative Thinking (TTCT) (1974)

Convergent thinking is the ability to correctly hone in the single correct solution to a problem.  In creativity convergent thinking often requires taking a novel approach to the problem, seeing the problem from a different perspective or making a unique association  between parts of the problem. Theses solutions are scored either correct or incorrect .

Insight Problems
Remotes Associations Task (Mednick)

Artistic assessments are the evaluations of an artistic product (e.g., painting, story, poem, musical composition, collage, drawing etc.).  Evaluations are typically done by two or more judges that must be in near agreement on the creativity of the product.

Barron-Welsh Art Scale

Self assessments are person's responses to the amount of creativity a personal feels they exhibit. persons responses to the amount of creativity a person feels they exhibit.

Khatena-Torrance Creative Perception Inventory
How Do You Think (Davis)
Things Done on Your Own (Torrance, 1962)
The Creativity Behavior Inventory
Runco Ideation Behavior Scale (RIBS)
Creative Attitude Survey (Schaeffer)
Statement of Past Activities
NEO-PI-R (Openness to Experience component) 
Gough Personality Scale


Other Assessment

Creativity Assessment Packet
Preschool and Kindergarten Interests Descriptors
Scales for Rating the Behavioral Characteristics of Superior Students (Renzulli, 1993)


For more information about this course,, E-Learning Professor Curtis J. Bonk,
Department of Educational Psychology, School of Education, Indiana University, Bloomington.

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Last updated: July/09/2003, by SUngWooK

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