Divergent thinking

Guilford Alternative Uses Task

Wallas and Kogan  

Torrance Test of Creative Thinking


Convergent thinking

Insight Problems

Remotes Associations Task


Artistic assessments

Barron-Welsh Art Scale


Self assessment

Khatena-Torrance Creative Perception Inventory

How Do You Think

Things Done on Your Own

The Creativity Behavior Inventory


Creative Attitude Survey

Statement of Past Activities


Gough Personality Scale


Other Assessment

Creativity Assessment Packet

Preschool and Kindergarten Interests Descriptors

Scales for Rating the Behavioral Characteristics of Superior Students



Creativity Test: Creativity Assessment Packet (Williams, 1980)
(For more information, contact Gayle Dow, Indiana University)

There are three components to the Creativity Assessment Packet:

1. The Exercise in Divergent Feeling is a 50-item creativity assessment that provides scores for overall creativity, curiosity, imagination, complexity, and risk taking

2.  Exercise in Divergent Thinking includes a figural assessment of creativity where the examinee is asked to complete a series of 12 incomplete drawings in an original way and create a title.  The end product is assessment on originality, fluency, flexibility, and elaboration.  The title is scores based on length, complexity, creativity and humor.

3. The Williams Scale is an assessment of creativity completed by the child's parent or teacher.  It contains 48-items assessing originality, fluency, flexibility, elaboration, curiosity, imagination, complexity, and risk taking.


Please respond to the following questions about your child

My child has a vivid imagination

Strongly   Disagree Disagree    Neutral Agree Strongly Agree



Scoring is 1 point for correct and 0 for incorrect.   


The Creativity Assessment Packet is administered by a parent, caregiver, or teacher.

Also see

Insight Problems



Back to Creativity Test: Overview page.
Back to Creative Thinking Handout Index


For more information about this course, e-mail:cjbonk@indiana.edu, E-Learning Professor Curtis J. Bonk,
Department of Educational Psychology, School of Education, Indiana University, Bloomington.

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Last updated: July/09/2003, by SUngWooK

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